Week 1
Course Description, Assignments, Evaluation
Tech orientation to studio, blogs, and equipment
How to Make a Blog Post
Watch the video: Book Stacks by Nina Katchadourian)
See Nina Katchadourian’s examples:
- In your own home library/bookshelf, or the home library bookshelf of someone you know – make three book stack sculptures and document them with their phone cameras, or cameras from our class equipment selection.
- Consider how the books are arranged to make the titles, or colours, or shapes you would like to highlight most legible to a viewer.
- Consider how the stack might create a portrait, or tell a story, or create an image that alters, exceeds or expands the intentions of the materials on their own.
- Avoid distracting from the books and their titles/colours by creating a plain background, and clear bright lighting. Be resourceful in how you solve this in a non-studio environment.
- Post your three best images to the blog with a short description of your ideas and processes to make them.
- DUE for in-class discussion from your blog page next week – see schedule for details.
Demo on using cameras/phones at home for shooting/high res.
Demo on using home lighting, being resourceful with available light.
Environmental Video Art Assignment
Based on research on environmental themes, and the approaches of artists discussed in class – you will create a work of video art up to 5 minutes in length with a partner.
Use a COSTUME for one or several performers – as a way to activate a site in the arboretum. You or your partners and friends may activate the costume in a simple gesture/ series of gestures.
We will go to the Arboretum together for a class visit and activity. And we will also have independent work time in the arboretum with our partner. Be prepared for any weather, and work time/consultations during class time.
Some approaches and motifs to consider with your costume and your gestures on site:
Curiosity and experimentation where you don’t know the outcome
Acts of resistance
Acts of submission
Blending in or standing out
Forms of communication with things in the natural world
Collisions of culture with nature
Rituals and ceremonies
How language meets landscape
Playing with perceptions of scale
Playing with perceptions of time
Identity and the culture of nature
Trying to relate across species
Works will be evaluated considering all of the following criteria are met:
Presentation of research and ideas in context of artists discussed in class
Showing work in progress, seeking support when needed
Working effectively during class time and managing production to meet deadlines
Using professional recording and lighting equipment effectively
Original and compelling subject matter
Thoughtful conceptual approaches
Focus and rigor in performance
Effort and effectiveness of costume
Considered video processing and editing to convey feelings/ideas central to the work
Considered video presentation and discussion for critique
Blog post with finished, revised video, and concise artist statement to describe ideas, research, and artistic references in the work.
- Research and brainstorming: Research an aspect of the arboretum/environment with your partner. Topics might include: Native trees, rare plants, seeds, flowers, birds, migration, weather, ornamental gardens, raptors, reptiles, mammals, “invasives”, clouds, astronomy, fungi, seasons, insects, conservation, camouflage, forest fires, drought, climate change, floods, maps, walking, bird calls, birders, nature guides, wind, swamps… etc. Discuss approaches to video artmaking in relation to strategies used by artists discussed in class.
- Develop a BLOG POST including research and ideas for your video to share with the class: Be as specific as possible and create a short blog postwith information about your topic, artists that have inspired your approach, and ideas/sketches for your own video. What would your costume/s be? How would you activate it on site? Where is the best location for your idea? How would you frame and record the action? Post production ideas? Etc. Be prepared to discuss variations and open to alternate strategies in a class brainstorming discussion.
- Record your videos in the arboretum: Edit and finish your final videos with feedback and support in studio.
- Post your final videos to the blog: Include a title, a short description of the work, and brief relevant notes about your ideas and process.
Be adventurous, but SAFE and RESPECTFUL at all times. See below:
As with all student projects and activities in Experimental Studio and while a student at the University of Guelph you should never do anything illegal, unethical, or that can harm yourself or others in any way. And dangerous/hazardous materials and tools are not allowed on campus or in the studios.
By agreeing to participate in this course you must adhere to these guidelines.
You must discuss your idea with your instructor if there can be any question about the safety of your projects. Students who do not follow this process will receive 0 on assignments, in addition to facing any other academic or legal consequences.
Be careful, be safe, use good sense, and be considerate of others always. Thank you!
More buttons and multiples… Fall 2023
Artist Multiples (Blunt Gift Tags) Zozo Dougherty
For an artist multiple, I wanted to create a variation of a capitalist trademark that represents the worth of an object price wise. I used a playing card template and hole punched the ends to create an element of interaction with the piece, so that a person could tie it to themselves or other objects with ribbon and string. Though each tag had a slightly different design, they all seemed to blend together as one unit with the plain white colour and minimalist stamp text. The text itself is taken from an editable stamp, which is a reference to stamping prices onto price stickers in retail stores. With these tags, people will be able to have free will to decide whether someone or something is either worthless or priceless. We get to decide what we deem worthy.
Artist Book Zozo Dougherty
For this assignment, I wanted to look at the concept of a book as something that felt too uncomfortable to read. The vulnerable aspect of sharing private information is emphasized by turning my personal diary into an enlarge book for someone to read.
The name I chose for this book is Redacted, reflecting the main focus of the book. I wanted to redact any names or feelings that were written in the book to create a sense of mystery to what was being said. Names and emotions are the key factors of diary entries, yet do not take away from the impact that filler words have in the entries. During the critique, it was noted that the print of the book came out with the ink from the redacted words more noticeable, making the entire entry completely legible if people read hard enough. It is a look at a completely vulnerable look into a person’s life without fully being there.
Important Information for Yukkin’s multiple Tuesday
Hey everyone it’s Yukkin,
I’m presenting my project Tuesday and we will be making prints as a class. We are going to be printing our hands on shirts or pants to mimic holding up breasts or buttocks. Please bring a spare pants or a shirt or apron if you want to decorate your own items. We will be using thermochromic ink that changes colour with heat. The base concentrated pigment is highly concentrated and it’s noted to not interact with skin. I have the information sheet on the product to show for everyone to be properly informed. This concentrated pigment is highly diluted and mixed with oil based fabric printing ink that is washable with soap and water. I have tested this ink with my own hands and have found no reaction to it or irritation at all. I will provide saran-wrap to cover hands if people do not wish to have the ink directly on their hands. Further I will get some bandoes in case people forget or don’t have an item.
Week 12
Visit to the copy shop in the UC – explore timelines for printing commercially
Discuss projects in progress
Work in class
Discuss projects in progress
Work in class
Note, participation grades can change before final submission of grades – attendance and presence for discussions, critiques, work in progress, and supporting your community matter. Please join us!
Critiques begin on TUESDAY next week – sign up for dates in class.