Week 1

Note all blog posts are due ONE WEEK after date introduced. At mid term and end of term – there will not be any late blog posts accepted. Always keep your blog up to date!




Tour of lab and equipment

Class blog – invites, demo post

LECTURE: TEXT Instructions for the world

Shelley Niro, The Shirt (detail), 2003

Joi T. Arcand

Joi T. Arcand, Northern Pawn, South Vietnam, 2009. From the Here on Future Earth series. Courtesy the artist.


Explore the reading, Dirty Words by Tammer El Sheik from Canadian Art. Read for meaning, and read like an artist looking for text as material for a new work.

Dirty Words: Tammer-El-Sheikh, from Canadian Art


You will excerpt a fragment of text – at least two words in order, up to a full sentence  to create a banner, and hang it in a context that will expand/alter/transform its meaning.

Use the blog to show/make notes and plan your work. Always show work in progress on the blog.

Make, install, and document your banner. Post an image of it with a project description on your blog page.

Consider how artists use conceptual strategies to use text in public/context-specific sites:

  • Text that gives instructions to the public to act/think/etc.
  • Text that speaks to the site, transforming perception of it
  • Text that presents personal information in a public context
  • Text that manipulates private feelings in public
  • Text that goes against expectations of commercial messages in public
  • Text that befuddles, beguiles, creates poetic insights
  • Text that calls for activist/disruptive action

We will have some time in our next class to print, and craft banners.

Bring all relevant materials on WEDNESDAY! Some paper and printing will be available.

Consider fonts, design, scale, and colours for your final banner.

*Final BANNERS DUE FOR DISCUSSION ON MONDAY NEXT WEEK! Post the final picture of your banner on your blog page.


Draft banner ideas, text samples, and site possibilities on the blog.

Remember to BRING materials for banner making today!

Fonts design and printing demo

Printing and cutting and taping and stringing banners….

Work time in class, discussions in progress.

Final blog post with one image of your banner installed in the world due for discussion on MONDAY next week.