But she never said…

These are stills from a video about the text messages my mom sends me. Since we do not call or see each other in person very often, we usually communicate through text. The texts presented are written in lipstick and the video includes audio of a lipstick tube being opened and closed. The sound of the lipstick tube represents the sound I associate my mom with, and in this instance, it stands in for her voice.

But she never said I love you, 2019.
Jennifer Zhao

Skating Dreams

Skating Dreams displays a split screen of myself on the left and my mother on the right. This video is meant to show the comparison of my mothers skills to my lack of interest in the sport and how she tried to incorporate this aspect of her childhood into my own.

Talking to My Mom

Talking to my Mom from Mikayla Gauthier on Vimeo.


My mother does not speak about herself very often and I do not want to miss out on the stories about what made her the woman she is today.

I made this video as a way to learn more about who my mother was during her childhood. I called her on the phone and recorded our conversation. I followed her words and speaking pace carefully to compose a text based video of her words to accompany the audio of her stories.