The Good and the Bad

This video shows the different relationships my roommates have with their parents. My first roommate’s parents are divorced, which he decides to speak about separately, the second struggles to find the positives as he does not like his parents much because they fight all the time, and third makes it sort of flowery because he does not see them often. They were interviewed separately, then reenacted by each other using the audio from the interviews to go overtop.

Curling in the Squat Rack

Curling in the Squat Rack

Curling in the squat rack is strictly prohibited in the gym world; a big no-no. Since you are only able to squat in this area, people get very angry when they see someone using it for other purposes, especially when you can curl literally anywhere else in the gym. So I took that action that is shunned upon and  entered that prohibited area.