Category: Uncategorized

  • ‘Recurring Dreams’

    For our last assignment, my intentions revolved around the concept of recurring dreams. I thought this was an interesting topic to explore as it gave me a number of things to consider, work with, and think about as I’ve always found dreams to be so fascinating on their own. When constricting and building on my…

  • “Memories in a Bottle”

    By: Lauren McDowall For the Anti Archival Assignment, I chose to focus my attention around the topic of memory, time, and change. For the materials used inside both bottles, I wanted to include significant items that relate to, and were once strongly associated with my childhood. I wanted to experiment with these items and over…

  • Numbers of Chaos

    For this assignment, I wanted to delve into the topic of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), attempting to replicate patterns of repetition in order to represent what compulsions are, what they look like, and how it can affect individuals effected by these repetitive behaviour(s), while also focusing on the negative factors that interfere with everyday activities;…