• Each student will draw a number (there are doubles of each number) and be paired up and assigned a time slot according to the drawn number. 

    Presentation Dates + Numbers:

    #1+2 – Feb 6

    #3+4 – Feb 8

    #5+6 – Feb 13

    #7+8 – Feb 27

    Objective: The aim of this project is to engage art students in a comprehensive exploration of contemporary artists, fostering a deep understanding of their unique styles, influences, and contributions to the world of art. In addition to the traditional presentation format, this project includes an interactive component to enhance engagement and encourage a dynamic exchange of ideas among peers.

    Structure ~20 min presentations total (interactive component included)* if you have an idea that will exceed this time limit by a lot (40 min or more) then talk to me ahead of time and I will arrange the class accordingly


    1. Artist Selection:
      • Each student pair will choose a contemporary artist from a curated list or propose their preferred artist (subject to approval).
      • The selected artist should be actively creating art within the past two decades, ensuring relevance to contemporary art movements.
    2. Research and Analysis:
      • Students will conduct in-depth research on their chosen artist, exploring their background, artistic influences, and major works with special attention paid to their more experimental approaches.
      • Analysis should focus on the artist’s unique style, themes, and techniques
    3. Presentation Components:
      • Presentations should be structured with a clear introduction, artist background, key works, artistic influences, and a conclusion highlighting the artist’s impact on contemporary art.
      • Incorporate visual aids, such as slideshows or multimedia elements, to showcase the artist’s work during the presentation.
    4. Interactive Component:
      • Each group will include some element that is interactive. Examples include hands-on making exercises, creating or guiding the class through a related game or exercise, facilitating a guided discussion based on themes the artist is exploring

    Assessment Criteria:

    • Thoroughness of research and analysis.
    • Clarity and organization of the presentation.
    • Creativity and effectiveness of the interactive component. 
    • Critical engagement and depth of understanding.

    List of Artists to Choose from:

    1. Laure Prouvost – Known for immersive installations and videos, blurring the lines between reality and fiction.

    2. Pierre Huyghe – Conceptual artist exploring complex systems and the boundaries between living and non-living entities.

    3. Arthur Jafa – American video artist and cinematographer. 

    4. Mika Rottenberg – Video artist exploring labor, globalization, and surreal scenarios in her works.

    5. Laurie Anderson – Multidisciplinary artist and musician, a pioneer in electronic and performance art.

    6. Matthew Barney – Creates multimedia works, known for the “Cremaster” film series and sculptural installations.

    7. Jenny Holzer – Renowned for text-based installations addressing socio-political issues.

    8. Carolee Schneemann – Performance artist challenging gender norms and pushing artistic boundaries.

    9. Rebecca Horn – Renowned for kinetic sculptures and installations exploring human existence.

    10. Rosa Menkman – Glitch artist and researcher exploring the aesthetics of digital errors.

    11. Rafael Lozano-Hemmer – Creates interactive installations using light and technology.

    12. Pipilotti Rist – Multimedia artist known for colorful and immersive video installations.

    13. Dean Baldwin Lew – Conceptual artist exploring cultural identity through various media.

    14. Nabbteeri – Multidisciplinary artist due working with visual and sound art.

    15. Alex Da Corte – Visual artist known for surreal and vibrant installations.

    16. Ryoji Ikeda – Experimental composer and visual artist exploring the essence of sound and light.

    17. Cildo Meireles – Conceptual artist addressing socio-political issues through installations and sculptures.

    18. Mona Hatoum – Contemporary artist known for sculptures and installations exploring displacement and conflict.

    19. Xu Bing – Visual artist exploring the intersection of language, culture, and identity.

    20. Sarah Sze – Installation artist creating intricate and immersive works from everyday objects.

    21. Maya Ben David – Visual artist exploring themes of identity and the human body.

    22. Dara Birnbaum – Video artist addressing the influence of mass media on contemporary society.

    23. Tega Brain – Interdisciplinary artist focusing on the intersection of art, technology, and ecology.

    24. Virginia Lee Montgomery – Multimedia artist exploring themes of mythology and the human experience.

    25. Anicka Yi – Conceptual artist working with unconventional materials and biological processes.

    26. JODI (Joan Heemskerk and Dirk Paesmans) – Internet art pioneers deconstructing and subverting digital platforms.

    27. Shirin Neshat – Iranian-American visual artist and filmmaker exploring themes of identity and gender.

    28. Shilpa Gupta – Conceptual artist known for interactive and socially engaged installations.

    29. Kiki Smith – Renowned for sculpture and printmaking, addressing themes of feminism and spirituality.

    30. Adrian Piper – Conceptual artist addressing issues of race, gender, and identity.

    31. Ellie Ga – Multimedia artist and explorer creating works inspired by her travels.

    32. Marta de Menezes – Bioartist exploring the intersection of biology, technology, and art.

    33. Lynn Hershman Leeson – Multimedia artist exploring the relationship between humans and technology.

    34. Adam Basanta – Interdisciplinary artist working with sound, installation, and technology.

    35. Agnes Denes  – Environmental artist known for her land art and ecological works.

    36. Theo Triantafyllidis – New media artist exploring virtual and augmented reality.

    37. Rirkrit Tiravanija – Installation artist known for participatory and social practice works.

    38. Teresa Margolles – Mexican artist addressing the impact of violence on society through her powerful and evocative installations, often using materials associated with death and trauma.

    39.  Hito Steyerl – Filmmaker and writer exploring the intersection of politics, technology, and art.

    40.  Hans Haacke  – Conceptual artist addressing socio-political and institutional issues.

    41. Tania Bruguera – Cuban artist known for politically engaged and participatory works.

    42. Haegue Yang – South Korean artist working in sculpture and installation. 

    43. William Forsythe – Choreographer and visual artist exploring the intersection of dance and visual art.

    44. Ragnar Kjartansson – Contemporary artist known for performance and video works.

    45. Neri Oxman – Designer and architect exploring the intersection of biology and technology.

    46. Superflex – Collective creating socially engaged and collaborative projects.

    47. Jes Fan – Multidisciplinary artist exploring issues of identity and biology.

    48. Jenna Sutela – Multidisciplinary artist working with language, biology, and technology.

    49. Joan Jonas- Performance and video artist exploring themes of identity and mythology.

    50. Alice Jarry- Conceptual artist engaging with issues of space, perception, and language.

  • You need a video (can be cellphone, screen capture of zoom, etc) that records a family member or friend telling you how to make their favourite food. 

    The video must:

    • List all ingredients, qualities (can be approx/colloquial aka a “pinch” as opposed to a “1/8th teaspoon”), and steps 
    • Have both audio and visual 
    • Be filmed in a landscape format (no holding your phone upright) 

    The video does not have to:

    • Have the person actually making the recipe 
    • Only focus on the person’s face ( you can frame/make whatever stylistic decisions you want, however try to keep it simple and intentional)

    You’ll be using this video (and/or audio) as part of the other components in this project, so do a good job. Think about where it’s being filmed (lighting, background) and do your best to ensure that it’s well-lit and there’s clear audio.

  • Overview of Projects and Skills

    Skills we’ll be honing in this course:

    • Video recording and editing
      • Performance 
      • Found footage 
      • 3D animation
    • High Quality documentation 
    • Audio recording and editing
      • Voice over
      • Field recording 
    • Critical thinking, writing, and material choices


    • Performance and experimental photography with food 
    • Artist Multiples 
    • Surveillance/Found footage Video Art 
    • Anti-archival Art
    • Experimental Animation

    Course Expectations

    Late policy – 5% off/day for a max of 10 days

    Email Response Times ~ 2 days (if you haven’t heard from me after 2 days please bug me about it!)

    Office hour – by appointment on Tuesdays or Thursdays either before or after class 

    Content delivered by Class Blog – I’ll post links/content from each week here

    Grades delivered by Courselink

    Mark Breakdowns + Overview of Assignments

    Conceptual Art Exercise – Short presentation 10%Video + Photography – Food as Art 15%Video art after the Internet – Video using Found Surveillance Footage 15%Non-Archival Art – Art that rots, melts, sticks 15% Artist Multiple – TBD 15%Animation and Field Recording – Using 3D scans and field recordings to make video art 15%*Non-graded assignment – Writing Successful Applications*

    Participation: To receive a full participation grade, a student must post and discuss comprehensive notes, research, and references in the process of creating artworks and responding to assignments. Students are also expected to make meaningful contributions to conversations, critiques, attending and engaging in class materials. Important Note: More than three absences from class may result in a grade of zero in participation. All classes are necessary to complete assignments and to contribute to our supportive artistic community. (15%)

    Additional Marks

    If you go out to a contemporary art event during the term, document it (2-3 artworks or short video and title of exhibition), you will receive a 5% boost on your lowest mark. There is no limit on how many times you can do this (EDIT: within reason – let’s say like 10 times to a max grade of 90%). 

    Things that count:

    -art shows

    -art screenings 

    -experimental music nights 

    Things that do not count (in this context):

    -art markets/stores 

    -Regular music shows

    -Historical exhibitions (eg. Guelph Civic Museum, with potential exceptions)


    List of local(ish) venues:

    ED Video – Guelph

    Lalani Jennings – Guelph

    Art Gallery of Guelph – Guelph

    Silence – Guelph (experimental music and performance)

    Kitchener Waterloo Art Gallery – Kitchener

    University of Waterloo Art Gallery – Waterloo

    Art Gallery of Hamilton – Hamilton

    Centre3 – Hamilton

    Hamilton Artist Inc. – Hamilton

    McMaster Museum of Art – Hamilton

    Art Gallery of Burlington – Burlington

    GTA venues:

    Oakville Galleries – Oakville

    Blackwood Gallery – Mississauga

    The Plumb – Toronto

    MOCA – Toronto 

    AGO – Toronto 

    Joys – Toronto

    SpacemakerII – Toronto

Experimental Studio II/III

Winter 2024 Tuesdays + Thursdays 2:30-5:30

Overview of Projects

Conceptual Art Exercise/Presentation

Short presentations that will take place throughout the semester (done in pairs)


Food + Performance + Photography

Beginning with taking video of a friend of family member telling you their favourite recipe, you will then use those ingredients to create a series of photographs and a performance-to-camera.


Surveillance Art/Art After the Internet

Using EarthCams, you will create a piece of video art. You will also be recording voiceovers.


Artist Multiples



Anti-Archival Art

Utilizing techniques such as mold-making, cooking, fermentation, you will be making artworks that either melt, rot, or stick.


Experimental Animation + Field Recording

You will use your phones to 3D scan objects from your environment and learn to animate the scans using Blender. Additionally, you will be using field recorders to capture sound in order to create soundtracks for your animations.


An array of resources

List of spots to go for inspiration and assistance:

Ed Video

  • Equipment rental
  • Workshops
  • Local (on York St.)


  • Massive database of post-internet art + video
  • Free