Category: Student

  • Mobolaji

    Photo Series For my photo series, I chose to use onions and garlic to explore the concept of “pareidoila” in food. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, pareidoila is the tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern. In my case, I am exploring the possibilities of seeing patterns…

  • Zoe

    Chocolate Aftermath in the Trash For this project, I had to work with the ingredients which makes chocolate chip cookies. I decided to put a twist, and focus not so much on the ingredients, but the packaging and which the ingredients ins contained. I wanted to highlight that for every food item we choose to…

  • Yiyue

    For the project, I incorporated the ingredients such as shrimps and black peppers, and my goal is to explore and visualize the taste. I believe that associating colours with specific tastes is connected to our taste memory for food. It unconsciously links with the generated taste over time, aiding in the recollection of emotions associated…