• A link to experimental audio editing software (free!) – for those of you who may want to experiment with audio distortion and abstraction


  • Add your songs for our next work period!

  • Lauren McDowall

    (TW: Flashing Lights)

    For this assignment, I decided to incorporate my condition, Epilepsy, with my favorite food for the following. I have an association to this food (Chicken Caesar Salad), as the first episode I’d ever had was eating this food. I decided to use medication bottles to hold some of the ingredients apart of this recipe, in order to reflect different aspects related to my Epilepsy that have been apart of my everyday life for the last 11 years. I wanted to follow this route as Epilepsy has become a very frustrating and active part that now plays a lot larger of a role than it used to. I chose to leave small sections of sound in my video, though not the entirety, as during and after the event I can be very silent as well loud (shaking the salad in a container to try and represent the way my my body reacts during (shaking), and waking up after one occurs (quiet and hazy.) I also thought about location and decided rather recording in multiple areas with no association, to focus my attention on the kitchen, as I want to include where the first one I had occurred – at the kitchen table. I also used flashing lights, attempting to show the build up of activity as I eat my food. As much as I switched and changed the ideas I had for this assignment, I think the freedom we were given really helped with the result, as experimentation also played a large role in this process.

Experimental Studio II/III

Winter 2024 Tuesdays + Thursdays 2:30-5:30

Overview of Projects

Conceptual Art Exercise/Presentation

Short presentations that will take place throughout the semester (done in pairs)


Food + Performance + Photography

Beginning with taking video of a friend of family member telling you their favourite recipe, you will then use those ingredients to create a series of photographs and a performance-to-camera.


Surveillance Art/Art After the Internet

Using EarthCams, you will create a piece of video art. You will also be recording voiceovers.


Artist Multiples



Anti-Archival Art

Utilizing techniques such as mold-making, cooking, fermentation, you will be making artworks that either melt, rot, or stick.


Experimental Animation + Field Recording

You will use your phones to 3D scan objects from your environment and learn to animate the scans using Blender. Additionally, you will be using field recorders to capture sound in order to create soundtracks for your animations.


An array of resources

List of spots to go for inspiration and assistance:

Ed Video

  • Equipment rental
  • Workshops
  • Local (on York St.)


  • Massive database of post-internet art + video
  • Free