Victoria’s Work

My Chocolate Cake and Bread From The Semester

The 5 Day Lifespan of a Piece of Tomato.

For this piece, I decided to document a slice of tomato every day for five days to see how it changed. The tomato stayed unbothered on a styrofoam plate in my kitchen. It was interesting to watch the changes each day, and I wonder what would have happened if I didn’t have to get rid of it.

Food That Reminds Me of My Family (One with illustrations, and one without).

Food That Reminds Me of My Family, 2020. Victoria Abballe

Here is a conceptual food portrait of the members of my immediate family. These were the first food items that came to mind when I thought of each family member.

A dozen of butter tarts for my mom because she bakes these every other week – I swear

A single shot of espresso for my dad because he has at least one a day.

A gluten-free loaf of bread for my sister Laura because she has a gluten intolerance.

A steamed head of broccoli for my sister Abbey because she loves broccoli and I had a vivid memory of her once cooking me some in her apartment.

And lastly, a cup of coffee for my oldest sister Emilee, but it has to have a bunch of cream and sugar in it.

Notes from Bread Podcast/ Week 8

Morning Routines on Zoom with Sydney

Apple Eating on Zoom- Video Art
Here is one of my video art projects. I have gathered two of my friends to join me on a zoom call to enjoy a crunchy, delicious, and healthy snack.

Tuesday, October 27th, 2020. Notes/Ideas for Video Art

IDEA 1) Around 5-10 people eating an apple with a blank wall behind them. The only thing they’re focusing on is eating that apple. The video will continue until everyone is finished eating their apple.

Did you know there’s a right way, and a wrong way to eat an apple? Neither did I, until I saw these videos.

IDEA 2) 5-10 people Miming each other. One person will start to make a movement, then the next person will copy the movement, then it will be passed on to the next person, etcetera. This will go on until the leader stops their gestures. OR it can be like broken telephone and the leader will make gestures to reference a sentence/ short story.

IDEA 3) Using the tiny zoom screen to put on makeup instead of looking in a mirror.

IDEA 4) Throwing an object (like a ball) to one person back and fourth. To make this work, there should be one person with each artist in real life throwing the ball to the artist so it looks like the ball is passing between two screens.

IDEA 5) 5 people playing different songs on different instruments.

IDEA 6) 5 people taking their computer for a walk around their house. (This may become too chaotic)

IDEA 7) Reading a section of a book with someone. (Aloud or silently)

Adad Hannah & Social Distancing Portraits

Here are my three social distancing portraits I have created in the style of Adad Hannah. I shot my subjects for one minute straight as if they were posing for a photograph. Similar to Hannah’s, my videos were all shot outside on a DSLR camera, about 5-10 meters away. (I have updated my videos and taken out the distracting music)

Social Distancing Video Portrait 01. Eileen (gardening edition).

“Quarantine has given me the opprotunity to spend time in the garden and take care of my plants.”

Social Distancing Video Portrait 02. Max (photography edition).

“I picked up a new hobby that I have grown to love over quarantine. Photography. It got me outside in the fresh air instead of staying cooped up inside.”

Social Distancing Video Portrait 03. Victoria (an extra edition).

“Here’s me posing for a photograph for one minute straight. Nothing too special about it except my eyes wouldn’t stop watering.”

Notes from Huddle 1
Notes from Huddle 1

Victoria Abballe, Tea From Madagascar, 2020.

Victoria Abballe, Wonderful Stars, 2020.

These books (some of which were generously lent to me by my roommate) come together to create a sense of an imaginative starry sky at night.

Victoria Abballe, Staying Alive by Chaotic Sketching, 2020.

These book titles together pretty much sum up my existence. I can’t live if there’s no sketching involved.

Victoria Abballe, Cool-Toned Covers, 2020.

These books looked very aesthetically pleasing together so I thought I’d add them here. Inspired by Ryan Park.

Identifying Patterns, 2020. By Victoria Abballe

Here is my banner with words taken from the “Interesting” article. I took the words “Identifying Patterns” and placed two different patterns in my banner for the viewer to recognize and identify.

Media: Colourful letters printed on printer paper, string, and shot on a DSLR camera.

Here is another banner I made from a word from the “Interesting” article. I made it as simple as possible.

Media: Marker on printer paper, string, and shot on a DSLR camera.


2 thoughts on “Victoria’s Work

  1. Victoria
    Week 1:
    Katchadourian notes complete, and shows
    evidence of curiosity and full engagement with material
    Very good level of understanding of critical ideas at play
    3 Book stack images complete – I especially like the last one – “…sketching beautiful chaos” this writes a poem! The others could be further developed but good efforts with what was at hand.

    Week 2:
    Good notes on two text works, complete
    Shows evidence of curiosity and full engagement with material
    and solid level of understanding of critical ideas at play –

    Week 3:
    Text banner excercise and description shows strong comprehension of ideas to make the words a material, and to play with them conceptually – I love the Identifying Patterns – would like to see it in different environments, perhaps in patterned situations and how it would speak to the world around it.
    Shows evidence of historical precedents for the work and engagment with readings and artist examples
    good evidence of technical investment and effort, and even making a bonus piece!
    Good evidence of experimentation and adventurousness.

    Week 4:
    Two Social Distancing portrait videos -complete and more!
    Notes and descriptions
    Evidence of Hannah’s precedents for the work
    understanding of conceptual ideas at play,
    evidence of technical investment and effort,
    could be a bit more adventurous – in how you presented surprising people in new sites – but great effort.
    Great attendance and engagement in class!
    Try to get your work up on time to discuss it in class –
    it’s great having you in Experimental!


  2. Note:
    If you would like to talk with me about your work in progress, readings, exercises, one-on-one comments on your work, and grades – send me an email in the morning to book a 15 minute appointment during my office hours: Thursdays 1:30-3
    And you can show up to a zoom meeting with Nathan anytime during these hours to ask your questions, and get tech support for using software and finishing your projects:
    Mondays and Thursdays 1-4pm

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