
  • Céleste Boursier-Mougenot

    Céleste Boursier-Mougenot

    celeste-boursier-mougenotA living musical exhibit at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts will set 70 zebra finches loose in an aviary, and the only perches are the strings of 14 electric guitars and bass guitars.

    When the birds land, they create music that’s played through amplifiers stationed around the aviary.

    French artist Céleste Boursier-Mougenot calls it living music, inspired by a thought from his childhood.

    “Looking through the window, my feeling was that I want to make music from these birds on the wire, and 30 years later I did this,” he said.

    Visitors will be escorted in to the exhibition room 25 at a time and asked to walk calmly through the installation. They are also part of the musical creation, as the birds react to their presence.

    Curator Marie-Eve Beaupré said this is a highly unusual undertaking for a museum.


    Every morning, a clean-up crew tidies the room, and the birds get regular visits from a veterinarian to make sure they stay healthy.

    This is the 19th time Boursier-Mougenot has created this installation. It’s travelled to New York, Paris, Milan, and  it’s making its Canadian premiere in Montreal.

    The finches hail from a breeder in Thetford Mines. They’ll go back home once the exhibition closes on March 27.

    A note for the musically savvy: The instruments in the installation are ten white Gibson Les Paul guitars and four black Gibson Thunderbird basses.

    text via the CBC

    Interview from the Peabody Essex Museum and view of installation:



  • Moss Interventions



    I’m one one of those people who really appreciates moss, and will stop to look at it closer while on walks and hikes. I decided to show the class how to grow their own moss for gardening purposes, or moss graffiti and interventions. First you need to collect some things:


    • 3 cups of moss (just moss – not whatever it was sticking to before)
    • 2 cups of water or beer
    • 2 cups of buttermilk (or plain yogurt)
    • 1/2 a teaspoon of sugar
    • Corn syrup
    • Blend until smooth, add more corn syrup to make thicker if too thin (otherwise it will drip)

    Then we headed to the Rutherford Conservatory on campus to spread out our concoction, for little moss interventions. The best place to put moss is on bark, concrete, rick or rock so that it can have something to grab onto.

    In this post I have also included some interesting facts about moss that I shared with the class, as well as some important tips for growing your own moss. Continue reading, and enjoy !


  • Dymaxion Sleep: Adrian Blackwell and Jane Hutton

    Dymaxion Sleep: Adrian Blackwell and Jane Hutton

    02-Dymaxion_Sleep.jpgDymaxion Sleep (curled up)

    Dymaxion Sleep (curled up)  is a structure of nets suspended above a field of aromatic plants. Inspired by Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion World Map, the unfolded icosahedron has rolled up to form a secret shaded enclosure. Mint, lemon geranium, lavender, and fennel mimic the structure’s topography and define scented regions upon which to lie. If Fuller’s map reconfigured standard representations of the world by refusing to define orientation, Dymaxion Sleep sets up surfaces on which to relax in different configurations: curled up, stretched out, or piled upon friends.

    Dymaxion Sleep takes its name from the title of a 1943 Time magazine article which describes Fuller’s regimen of polyphasic sleep – thirty minutes asleep, followed by six waking hours – a reconfiguration he used to dynamically maximize his body’s productivity. Our Dymaxion Sleep subverts Fuller’s focus on efficiency and work and instead maximizes the garden as a space for pleasure and dreams.

    Walter Blackwell
    Carole Courtois & Dany Fillion – Créations Fil Lion, Gene Mastrangeli

    Architect: Jane Hutton & Adrian Blackwell

    From Jardin de Metis

  • Lesbian National Parks and Services: A Force of Nature

    Lesbian National Parks and Services: A Force of Nature

    Lesbian-Rangers.jpegSee the video on VIMEO

    Lesbian National Parks and Services

    Lesbian National Parks and Services was founded in 1997 to insert a lesbian presence into the landscape. In full uniform as Lesbian Rangers, Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Millan patrol parklands, challenging the general public’s ideas of tourism, recreation, and the “natural” environment. Equipped with informative brochures and well-researched knowledge, they are a visible homosexual presence in spaces where concepts of history and biology exclude all but a very few. (from

    Lesbian National Parks and Services: A Force of Nature

    (produced, written, directed, and performed by Dempsey and Millan.) This mock-u-mentary follows the intrepid Lesbian Rangers through Jr. Lesbian Ranger training camp, research missions, deep-sea rescue, and field work around the globe. Premiered at the Sydney (Australia) Gay/Lesbian Film Festival. 23 minutes. Video. 2002.


    From Finger in the Dyke









  • Handmade Paper with Leaves and Scrap Paper

    Handmade Paper with Leaves and Scrap Paper

    Why do we need paper?

    • Map out routes (if you do not have a compass)
    • Record thoughts, ideas, findings
    • Newspaper, books, archives
    • Toilet paper
    • Letters to connect people
    • Knowledge, news, entertainment, art

    Materials Required:

    • Deckle
    • Blender
    • Blotting paper (preferably without dye so that it will not bleed on the paper) or paper towels
    • A large plastic tub or small (depending on the size of paper you’re making)
    • Pitcher
    • Spoon
    • Sheet of screening material slightly larger than the frame
    • Drying pan/ rack
    • Water (any temperature)
    • Scrap paper (tickets, wrapping paper, tissue, mail, packing paper etc. but no newspaper)
    • Flower petals and leaves (no sticks or stems)


    1. Tear up the paper and leaves into smaller pieces. Fill the blender half way, loosely with the torn paper. Add the torn leaves into the blender. Add as many leaves as you would like, the more leaves you use the less amount of paper area you will see. Fill your blender ¾ with water and start the blender to mix everything together. Stop the blender when the leaves have broken down into finer bits and when the paper has turned into pulp.2..JPG2. Fill the plastic tub a ¼ of the way with water. Assemble the two parts of the deckle together by having the frame with the screen facing upwards and the other frame with the foam strip facing down sitting on top of frame with the screen. The screen and foam strip should be sandwiched together between the two frames. Submerge the deckle into the tub with water. Once submerged, the water level should sit slightly above the frame with the screen. If the water is not above the screen pour some water in the tub until it is above. Have a partner hold down the deckle in the tub so it does not float when putting in the pulp.

    DSCN5922.JPG3. Take a spoon and spoon some of the pulp into the center opening of the deckle on top of the screen. Spread it around evenly on the deckle. Add as much pulp as you desire, the more pulp you add the longer it will take for the paper to dry and the thicker it will be.

    DSCN59324. When you are done with the pulp, slowly lift the deckle up, still sandwiched together, from the water and let it drain. You can choose to take the deckle to the sink to remove the excess water or turn the deckle slightly to its side and rest the deckle on the edge of your plastic tub. Now remove the top frame of your deckle and your paper pulp should be resting on the screen material of the other half your deckle. At this point, you can choose to add flat leaves or petals on the surface of the paper pulp if you want some decoration. (more…)

  • Handmade Deckle to Make Handmade Paper

    Handmade Deckle to Make Handmade Paper

    Materials Required:

    • Stretcher bars (any two sizes or just one size to make square paper. The bigger the stretchers bars the bigger your final paper will be.) If two sizes are chosen you will need four bars of each size to create two frames.
      • Alternative: if you cannot get stretcher bars, two identical old frames will work as well without the glass
    • Mallet
    • Staple gun
    • Fiberglass or window screening material
    • Weatherstrip foam tape

    All the materials above can be purchased at Canadian Tire or Home Depot with the exception of stretcher bars.

    Stretcher Bars (more…)

  • Jab, Cross, Hook, Cross.

    Jab, Cross, Hook, Cross.

    Muay Thai, that’s what we all did in the Arboretum. Though, we aren’t fully equipped with skills to fight in the UFC, I hope everyone got a good workout out of it.

    Again, Muay Thai is the “Art of 8 Limbs” – fists, elbows, knees, and kicks. Hands become like swords and daggers, the shins and forearms are hardened in training to act as protective armour against impact, elbows become hammer and mace-like, and the legs and knees became an axe.

    Before Muay Thai, there was Muay Boran, a more fatal version of the sport where boxing gloves are replaced with barehands or hemp rope. Below is a demonstration of Muay Boran in an exhibition setting. Note: It is not a real fight.

    Muay Thai has grown a lot the past 30 years and that is because of the sport of Mixed Martial Arts.

    IMG_3906 IMG_3914 IMG_3977 IMG_3980 IMG_4011 IMG_4014 IMG_4013
