“There is no apostrophe in zine. Zine is not short for magazine. A magazine is a product, a commercial commodity. A zine is a labor of love, producing no profit, and zine, information is just another ingredient, thinly sliced layers to keep the cream filling of advertising from sticking together. Information is the reason a zine exists; everything else, down to on.” – Larry-bob, publisher of the zine Holytitclamps.
Video by Guelph student: Ariel Bissett

The pamphlet sold 500,000 copies in 1776.

Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany (Schnitt mit dem Küchenmesser durch die letzte Weimarer Bierbauchkulturepoche Deutschlands). 1919-1920
Photomontage and collage with watercolor, 44 7/8 x 35 7/16 (114 x 90 cm)

Zines Today …
Walter Scott

Walter Scott is an artist from Montreal. His work has been exhibited across Canada and Wendy has been serialized on Random House Canada’s literary digital magazine Hazlitt
Brennan Kelly

About Broken Pencil: the magazine of zine culture and the independent arts
Welcome to Broken Pencil! Since 1995, we have been a mega-zine dedicated exclusively to exploring independent creative action. Published four times a year, each issue of Broken Pencil features reviews of hundreds of zines and small press books, plus comics, excerpts from the best of the underground press, interviews, original fiction and commentary on all aspects of the indie arts. From the hilarious to the perverse, Broken Pencil challenges conformity and demands attention.
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