Week #1
Exercise: For my 1km challenge I decided to capture 1 km in meters. The reason for this is because for my sport which is track and field for the last 10 years everything to do with my event is seen in meters. Whether it be for training or a weekend full of competition. I have run this distance many times in my life 5-6 times a week for the last ten years. Ps halfway through, I sprained my ankle in the making of this assignment and rolled around in the grass while my friend sat down 300m away from me on the phone.
Week #1: notes
WRITE: How does Sol Lewitt express the notion that “the idea is the machine that makes the art” in his work? What does the artist’s actual hand have to do with the final work in a conceptual art context?
Sol LeWitt expresses the idea of the machine being the main driver that makes art in his work is the many different part and processes that come together to make this collab one piece that cannot be understood by logic, but by the heart. Also, by having the other artist there to help on the team it helps add there on personal touch to the piece.
WRITE: Where do you draw the boundaries around the artworks in this video? What are the artworks? What strategies and tools does Ono use to challenge the viewer? Do you like any of these concept-works? Discuss.
When watching this video with Yoko Ono it was quite interesting. When it comes to drawing boundaries of the various artwork mention in the video. I think it depends on the artist and how comfortable they are when it comes to doing the artwork mentioned in the video. Ono challenges people by seeing how personal one would go to document the task that is given. I found many of the concepts pretty interesting, as she went on somewhere more personal than other and or time-consuming. The one challenge that stood out to me was the “not saying negative things” for 3 days then to 45 days then to 3 months. this to me is a useful exercise that could help someone that might need this in their life.
WRITE: Describe two works by Bruce Nauman (include images) where he frames everyday actions (non-heroic, banal) as art. How are they “framed” as art, and what does the framing do to our understanding and experience of the actions?
One work that stood out to me was the exaggerated walk he filmed going around the taped box on the ground to slow down the process and really demonstrate this movement helps one view an everyday regular movement in a different way.
Another one of his works that stood out to me was the sex position 69 instalments. to me this piece is playful and at the same time changing the way society sees relationships. The overlapping of the neon light also gives the piece movement which I found quite interesting to me.
Notes on Sol Lewitt, Yoko Ono, Nauman complete and evidence of curiosity and engagement with material.
Kilometre image and description – seems related to conceptual practice, I like how you measured the kilometre using track/running and something you already do – measure this distance with the body. I like how you tracked each 100 metres with documentation. And sorry about your ankle!
W2: Image of Abramovic/Stillness gesture, and description complete and a good idea, I appreciate you made yourself uncomfortable/challenged to create tension, and meaning in the work, and reflecting on all the discomfort, moments of failure, and struggle – but I need to see evidence too that you watched the film and really go into and understood the ideas in Abramovic’s works. Could use more references to show you watched and understood it.
W3: 6 conceptual sentences are complete and sometimes get the idea – to write the simple formula for actions in each piece, as opposed to broader themes. Defenestration image and description missing.
W4: Notes on Adad’s work missing, and Distancing video portrait missing.
If you would like to talk with me about your work in progress, readings, exercises, one-on-one comments on your work, and grades – send me an email in the morning to book a 15 minute appointment during my office hours: Thursdays 1:30-3
And you can show up to a zoom meeting with Nathan anytime during these hours to ask your questions, and get tech support for using software and finishing your projects:
Mondays and Thursdays 1-4pm