Category: Uncategorised

  • Dymaxion Sleep: Adrian Blackwell and Jane Hutton

    Dymaxion Sleep: Adrian Blackwell and Jane Hutton

    02-Dymaxion_Sleep.jpgDymaxion Sleep (curled up)

    Dymaxion Sleep (curled up)  is a structure of nets suspended above a field of aromatic plants. Inspired by Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion World Map, the unfolded icosahedron has rolled up to form a secret shaded enclosure. Mint, lemon geranium, lavender, and fennel mimic the structure’s topography and define scented regions upon which to lie. If Fuller’s map reconfigured standard representations of the world by refusing to define orientation, Dymaxion Sleep sets up surfaces on which to relax in different configurations: curled up, stretched out, or piled upon friends.

    Dymaxion Sleep takes its name from the title of a 1943 Time magazine article which describes Fuller’s regimen of polyphasic sleep – thirty minutes asleep, followed by six waking hours – a reconfiguration he used to dynamically maximize his body’s productivity. Our Dymaxion Sleep subverts Fuller’s focus on efficiency and work and instead maximizes the garden as a space for pleasure and dreams.

    Walter Blackwell
    Carole Courtois & Dany Fillion – Créations Fil Lion, Gene Mastrangeli

    Architect: Jane Hutton & Adrian Blackwell

    From Jardin de Metis

  • Lesbian National Parks and Services: A Force of Nature

    Lesbian National Parks and Services: A Force of Nature

    Lesbian-Rangers.jpegSee the video on VIMEO

    Lesbian National Parks and Services

    Lesbian National Parks and Services was founded in 1997 to insert a lesbian presence into the landscape. In full uniform as Lesbian Rangers, Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Millan patrol parklands, challenging the general public’s ideas of tourism, recreation, and the “natural” environment. Equipped with informative brochures and well-researched knowledge, they are a visible homosexual presence in spaces where concepts of history and biology exclude all but a very few. (from

    Lesbian National Parks and Services: A Force of Nature

    (produced, written, directed, and performed by Dempsey and Millan.) This mock-u-mentary follows the intrepid Lesbian Rangers through Jr. Lesbian Ranger training camp, research missions, deep-sea rescue, and field work around the globe. Premiered at the Sydney (Australia) Gay/Lesbian Film Festival. 23 minutes. Video. 2002.


    From Finger in the Dyke









  • Jab, Cross, Hook, Cross.

    Jab, Cross, Hook, Cross.

    Muay Thai, that’s what we all did in the Arboretum. Though, we aren’t fully equipped with skills to fight in the UFC, I hope everyone got a good workout out of it.

    Again, Muay Thai is the “Art of 8 Limbs” – fists, elbows, knees, and kicks. Hands become like swords and daggers, the shins and forearms are hardened in training to act as protective armour against impact, elbows become hammer and mace-like, and the legs and knees became an axe.

    Before Muay Thai, there was Muay Boran, a more fatal version of the sport where boxing gloves are replaced with barehands or hemp rope. Below is a demonstration of Muay Boran in an exhibition setting. Note: It is not a real fight.

    Muay Thai has grown a lot the past 30 years and that is because of the sport of Mixed Martial Arts.

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  • Kelly Jazvac – Plastiglomerates

    Kelly Jazvac – Plastiglomerates

    Kelly Jazvac - Plastiglomerate and Plastic Samples (detail 1) (conglomerate rocks gathered on Kamilo Beach with geologist Patricia Corcoran, Hawaii, and ceramic stands) 2013

    “In 2013, at the suggestion of oceanographer Charles Moore, geologist Patricia Corcoran and artist Kelly Jazvac travelled to Kamilo Beach, Hawaii to study a new stone formation. What they found was a new substance that was a mix of melted plastic and natural materials such as coral, sand, wood and volcanic rock. They called the stones “Plastiglomerate” and a co-authored manuscript of their findings can be found here:

    Plastiglomerate has been acknowledged by key researchers as potential evidence of the Anthropocene era. Press can be found here:

    From Kelly Jazvac 

    KELLY-1 KELLY-10

    s05e02_gal02_01 jazvac_02_park

  • Bears

    Hi guys! I was chatting with my uncle, who works in forestry out in Alberta, the other night about bears and bear attacks and so on and he sent me this video of a bear just passing by someone’s house that was captured via the guys home security camera.

    One of the biggest issues regarding people vs wild life my uncle said he was seeing right now in Alberta was related to urban development and people wanting to put up golf courses or subdivisions right in the middle of places like the grizzly maze from the film we watched last class. These are places that bears had used for travelling and hunting long before people got there and yet, like the guy in the video (pardon his choice of language) it’s perceived as the animal’s fault. He also said that they are experiencing a rise in cougar vs man attacks…

  • Cow School – Body Condition Scoring (BCS)

    Cow School – Body Condition Scoring (BCS)

    “Dairy cows, are like ferraris” – Prof. Vern Osborne, Animal and Poultry Science

    If you’ve ever enjoyed yogurt, cream, cheese, cream cheese, ice cream or a simple glass of milk, you can thank a dairy cow.

    Weighing around one ton, the dairy cow must pump 1000 litres of blood that travels around her udder to produce 1 litre of milk for us! In a day, the average cow can produce 30 litres of delicious & nutritious milk.

    In order to ensure a cow’s productivity, reproduction and health, farmers use Body Condition Scoring to measure the amount of subcutaneous fat (fat found under the skin) in a cow.

    Using a 5-point scoring system, farmers look at the hooks, pins, thurls and ribs of the cow to determine her score. A score of 1 would denote an extremely thin cow, while a score of 5 tells the farmer his cow is excessively fat. Most dairy cows fall in between 2.5 and 4. The hardest part about body condition scoring is narrowing down what quarter point to give a cow (Is she a 3.25 or a 3.5?)

    Introduction to BCS
    First, students were given an introduction to BCS and dairy cows in a sophisticated meeting room.
    Off to see the dairy cows!
    Off to see the dairy cows!
    Who are you??
    Who are you??

    Once we reached the barn, everyone chose a cow to score!

    Emma inspects the shapes (angular vs. round) made by the cow’s side and rear to determine a correct score.

    We also got to witness feeding time, one cow even gave Andrea a friendly lick!

    Cows chew 30, 000 times a day!
    Cows chew 30, 000 times a day!

    After students completed scoring their cow, our dairy expert, Vern, let students know if their scoring was accurate. Everyone’s numbers were on-point!

    For their outstanding efforts, students received honorary dairy expert hats.


    This spring, the University of Guelph opened a new, state-of-the-art dairy research facility in Elora that houses over 600 cows. To learn more, visit the Livestock Research and Innovation Centre’s blog and twitter!