Field Trip to Mount Nemo

Going on a hike was the first official field trip we took as a class. We went to Mount Nemo Conservation Area located in Burlington, Ontario. Doing this was a great way to introduce the outdoors to all of us. It was a first hand experience to interact with nature together. This may not have been my first time being here but regardless, hikes are always enjoyable. Hiking is done for many purposes. For example, it could be for the reason of exercising, meditating, observing plants and animals, and/or exploring.

Nicole enjoying the view (as most would do on a hike and hope someone takes a picture).

I remember about halfway into our hike we realized that we didn’t have much time left to complete the full 5 km. It was around this point when we decided to pick up the pace while being careful with the obstacles along the way. For example, there were large roots and steep slopes as well as narrow passageways between rock. It was incredibly hot that day and on top of physical activity, I think it’s safe to say we all broke a sweat (or two).

Classmates walking cautiously down a narrow path between rock.

Posted By: Alexa Aleman-Pastor


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