Hagen Aqualab – Freshwater and Marine Biology Society


On Monday, Emma and I visited the Hagen Aqualab with Areanna Balbar, one of the execs of the Marine and Freshwater Biology Society.

Emma peers into the Skate tank
Emma peers into the Skate tank

the first stop on our adventure was checking out the Skates – a creature that looks like a sting ray but is more closely related to a shark. The females lay eggs in a thing called a mermaid purse!

Areanna gives Emma a crab to hold
Areanna gives Emma a crab to hold

we met many animals. This creature is a green crab, they have the ability to REGENERATE arms and like to fight each other.

Sea-stars, all piled on top of eachother
Sea-stars, all piled on top of eachother

these are seastars! They eat mussels – their stomach comes out of their body and they liquify their prey, changing its chemical composition so they can slurp it up! They can also regenerate arms.

Emma holding a sea-star
Emma holding a sea-star

this seastar has 10 arms instead of 5.

Areanna holding a sea star
Areanna holding a sea star

this large sea star is beginning to go limp. This is because it is losing water, and this is its natural reaction as a way to retain water.

Areanna holding a crab
Areanna holding a crab

Many students research and perform experiments in the Aqualab. There are a variety of freshwater and saltwater creatures.

The Marine and Freshwater Biology

This club meets once a week and talk about related courses, hold study sessions, and sometimes host events such as Movie in the Pool.


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