“Futurefarmers is a group of artists and designers working together since 1995. We are artists, researchers, designers, farmers, scientists, engineers, illustrators, people who know how to sew, cooks and bus drivers with a common interest in creating work that challenges current social, political and economic systems. Our design studio serves as a platform to support art projects, an artist in residency program and our research interests.
Futurefarmers works across many media. This studio has evolved as a means to support Futurefarmers art practice and fellow protagonists in the road to positive change. We enjoy creating platforms for collective learning and engagement. We are a dynamic group of practitioners who provide services for cultural institutions, activist groups and organizations rooted in the transformative power of knowledge sharing and transmission. Our collective body forms a diverse knowledge and skill base that includes graphic design, architecture, urbanism, philosophy, ecology, industrial design, computer programming, information visualization, food practices, research, educational programing. We are aligned by shared interest and dreams.”
See works at Futurefarmers
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